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David Brin Biography

Books by David Brin

  • The Uplift Saga: No science fiction list would be complete without the inclusion of a science fiction mystery that morphs into an action adventure. Published in 1987 Startide Rising won the Hugo, Nebula...
  • Startide Rising: Brin's second novel in the Uplift Saga is set in a future universe where no species can become sentient without being "uplifted" by a patron race. Humanity wouldn't be humanity...
  • The Uplift War:
  • Brightness Reef:
  • The Postman: Made into a much—wrongly!—maligned movie, Postman is set in a post-apocalyptic world, in which the United States has fallen apart into a lawless patchwork of civil disorder. That's what powerful...
  • Infinity's Shore:
  • Heaven's Reach:
  • Contacting Aliens: An Illustrated Guide To David Brin's Uplift Universe: When the black monolith appears in Arthur C. Clarke's 2001, A Space Odyssey, or the demons in Childhood's End, that is Uplift. But what if humanity has reached into space...