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Joss Whedon Biography

Books by Joss Whedon

  • Serenity: Many claim that Joss Whedon's Firefly is the greatest science fiction television show of all-time. Cancelled even before a full season aired, a massive fanbase was clamoring for a feature...
  • The Avengers: The Marvel Cinematic Universe has changed the way movies are enjoyed, and The Avengers is a masterpiece of a comic movie. Featuring the team-up for all the previous MCU faces,...
  • Serenity: In the film Serenity, outlaw Malcolm Reynolds and his crew revealed to the entire 'verse the crimes against humanity undertaken by the sinister government--the Alliance. Here, in the official follow-up...
  • Firefly: Joss Whedon had already given us Buffy and Angel, so it shouldn't be a shock that Firefly would use all that wisdom, and all those dark tendancies, to put together...
  • Dollhouse: Joss Whedon, you animal! You created Buffy, you gave us Firefly, and then you hit us with Echo, the lead character of Dollhouse. She's a reprogrammable Active, an all-purpose freelancer...