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Star Trek Tos

Author: Gene Roddenberry

The idea was simple - Wagon Train to the stars! It's not quite that easy, but Gene Roddenberry had the idea for a western-style science fiction program using elements from movies like Forbidden Planet and series like The Outer Limits, and tackling the big issues of the day, like racism, the Cold War, and even the sexual revolution. The idea was to present an Earth that had solved the problems of the present and gave us a bright, shiny future. Oh, who am I kidding? It's Shatner. Shatner, who was best known for his role in a classic Twilight Zone episode, played Captain Kirk with a stage actor's committment and a cock-sure bravado that absolutely endeared him to the viewer. His interactions with Spock, the buttoned-down sensible one, and Bones, the grumpy cuss who was not afraid to call Kirk out for his impulsiveness. There were classic moments, like the first interacial kiss on network television, or the invasion of the Tribbles, or the amazing performance by legendary Ricardo Montalban as Khan. So many amazing moments! Why it's on the list: How could a list about science fiction of any kind that didn't mention Kirk and Star Trek?