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The Hyperion Cantos

The Hyperion Cantos

Author: Dan Simmons

One of the finest space opera series out there. No, one of the finest Science Fiction books ever written. Hyperion stands on the top of many science fiction lists. Simmons, a genius writer, manages to use an archaic English literary device as the main story telling method (an allusion to Chaucer's Canterbury Tales). Hyperion features some of the most tortured and interesting characters in the history of science fiction. Combined with some really superb writing, a plot drags you along, and an exciting, action-packed plot. If science fiction has perfection, Hyperion is nearly the poster-boy for such.The Hyperion Cantos consists of two duologies for a total of 4 books. The second duology takes place many years after the first duology. Most agree that the first book, Hyperion, is the jewel of the series with the direct sequel, 'Fall of Hyperion.' The sequel series is not nearly as good, though still stands better than most of the other science fiction out there.

Books in Hyperion Cantos Series (3)