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Alien Conspiracy Science Fiction

Alien Conspiracy Science Fiction is embodied in the television series The X-Files where a single man seeks “the truth” wherever it may lead—into convoluted conspiracies with shadow governments, pre-historic colonizing aliens, plenty of red herrings and black goo.

Alien Conspiracy Sci Fi has a sacred space in Sci Fi geekdom. UFO sighting, or maybe just a weather balloon? Alien abduction story, or just a attention deprived child? The Area 51 conspiracy is widely known and stories about it have transcended genre fiction to become a part of popular culture. For example, Area 51 is the key setting of the 2013 animated feature, Escape from Planet Earth, a film for children.

The basic premise of Alien Conspiracy Sci Fi is that the existence of extraterrestrial life or humanity's interactions with extraterrestrial life has been covered-up.

Alien Conspiracy often goes hand-in-hand with the Alien Invasion subgenre, though there are enough differences that both of these can be seen as distinct subgenres. Alien Conspiracy does not necessary mean there will be an Alien Invasion (though it often hints at it). Alien Invasion is usually an all out invasion of earth type science fiction story while Alien Conspiracy is more of a subtle, behind the scenes threat, usually involving some sort of government conspiracy cover up.

You can view the crowd-ranked "Popular" Alien Conspiracy Science Fiction books list and vote and/submit entries to it.

Other Features of Alien Conspiracy Science Fiction

  • Level of Real Science

    Low. Science and technology in Alien Conspiracy Sci Fi are often a part of the story's conspiracy and thus masked in mystery. Science and technology are present in these stories, but readers may never understand them fully, or even find them plausible.

  • Level of Grand Ideas/Social Implications

    High. Conspiracy stories force the reader to think critically. Just what is real? The story may engage a political conspiracy involving governments, maybe corruption. The story may challenge social conventions and highlight issues with technology. Identity, agency, and morality are all common ideas that are challenged in alien conspiracy stories.

  • Level of Characterization

    High. Alien Conspiracy stories can become convoluted so readers need strong characters to connect with so they can be invested in the story. Characters often serve as the anchor in a conspiracy plot—a solid character keeps the reader from getting lost trying to follow the conspiracy.

  • Level of Plot Complexity

    High—convoluted. These are conspiracy stories, strap yourself in for a good ride. Red herrings, twists, turns, big reveals—any plot device that will throw the reader off the truth or trigger the “Aha!” moment is fair game.

  • Level of Violence

    Variable. Alien Conspiracy stories can be aggressive stories, an alien race invading Earth and governments covering up the battles. These stories can also be very thoughtful and take place away from the violence by focusing on the logical exercise of unravelling a conspiracy.

Related Science Fiction subgenres

  • Dystopia. Alien Conspiracy stories fit well within Dystopian stories, which often depict totalitarian governments that control the flow of information, and are a breeding ground for conspiracy theories.

  • Alien Invasion. Alien Conspiracy stories often overlap with Alien Invasion stories in the form of preventing a secret alien invasion or uncovering that an alien invasion has already taken place.

Popular Alien Conspiracy Science Fiction Books